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Meet Dr. Holly

Energy Psychology Expert & Coach

Hi, I’m Dr. Holly!


If you arrived here, I bet we have some things in common...

Do you ask a lot of questions?

Do your friends call you a seeker? 

Do you explore more than one answer to your question? Do you feel as though you are often pushing on the “walls” you feel around you?

Are you in perpetual pursuit of personal growth and healing? 


Me too.


When I was four I wondered if a speck of dust, that I was watching slowly fall from the ceiling, was in fact a planet as complex as Earth. Was that planet full of life too? That moment was transcendent and mystical for me. Ever since, I’ve been fascinated with the nature of expanded reality.


In more recent years, science and spiritual voices have started referencing fourth, fifth, and higher dimensional realities. This thrills the curious child in me!

This curious mind also led me to become a therapist, and now I’m adding Coach to my title because that feels like a way to satisfy my curious seeking self.


When I was getting my PhD, I had a professor who said his job was to socialize us into the profession of therapy. He said that I was the exception in the room – he could tell I’d never be socialized completely into therapy.

Several years after that prophetic professor “saw” me as the seeker, I found Energy Psychology tools and embraced them into my life. What I found was that I experienced radical healing and transformational growth with these practices called energy tools.


I found profound freedom from my personal pain. Everything in my being knew that I wanted, and needed, to share energy medicine with my clients.

“I started calling myself an Energy Psychologist and I’ve never looked back.”

Dr. Holly's Three Things

#1: I discovered late in life that one of my superpowers is rock balancing! 


#2: Tapping aka Emotional Freedom Technique
became a tool that
my family and I could share.
All my children and grandchildren have come to me at different times to support them through

hard life moments with tapping. 


#3: I LOVE to dance!

What are your superpowers? 

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We are spiritual beings, and to expand our awareness
is to expand our hearts.
-Dr. Holly

What People Say

Grateful Member

I really appreciate you hosting this group

 each week.

They have helped

me so much!

Covid Support

To me you are creating a beacon of light for us especially during this time of need. It's powerful!


Boy! Did I sleep great!

That alone made it worth it and it’s not the only thing I got from the group.

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